Asking for a Pay Rise

Nora Blackie
Careers advice: {$article->title}

Asking for a pay rise can feel like a daunting task, but if you believe you deserve one, it is essential to find the courage and have an open conversation with your employer. There are several things you can do to prepare for this conversation and increase your chance of success. In this article we will provide the top things to remember and make the whole process as easy as possible.


Do your research

Before requesting a pay rise, it’s crucial to understand the current going market rate for your position. Look at job listings for similar roles in your industry to determine what the average salary is, you can also use online salary calculators, and then you should have a rough estimate of what you should be earning. This information will give you a better idea of what you can realistically ask for.


Choose the right time

Timing is crucial when requesting a pay increase. Pick a time when your employer is most likely to be receptive, like right after a project or performance evaluation that went well. A busy period or when your employer might be dealing with personal concerns are not good times to reach out.


Prepare your case

Before you have the conversation with your employer, it's essential to prepare your case. Think about the contributions you have made to the company, including any projects you have completed, clients you have brought on board, or processes you have improved. Make a list of your accomplishments and be ready to present them in a clear and concise way.


Be confident

Being confident and assertive is crucial when requesting a pay rise. Make eye contact, speak clearly, and refrain from using apologetic words. Keep in mind that you have a right to speak out for yourself and that you are only asking for what you deserve.


Consider non-financial benefits

Consider your options for other benefits if your employer is unable to increase your income. These could consist of extra vacation time, flexible work schedules, or educational possibilities. Be willing to talk about these possibilities and think about how they might enhance your work-life balance or career prospects.


Have a backup plan

If your employer is not willing or able to offer a pay rise or additional benefits, have a backup plan. Consider whether you are willing to stay in your current position at your current salary or whether it's time to start looking for a new job. It's always best to have a plan in place before having the conversation.


Follow up

After your conversation, it's important to follow up with your employer. If they have agreed to a pay rise, make sure you get the agreement in writing and clarify any details such as the amount and when it will take effect. If they have declined your request, ask for feedback on what you can do to improve your chances in the future.


In summary, asking for a pay rise requires careful preparation and a clear case for why you deserve one. Choose the right time, do your research, be confident, and consider non-financial benefits if a pay rise is not possible. Always have a backup plan and follow up with your employer after the conversation. With the right approach, you can increase your chances of success and secure the pay rise you deserve.